GAMSAT is a standardized exam coordinated by ACER (Australian Council for education research) designed for candidates who seek medical and health professional programs. The test assesses the candidate’s capacity to take high-level intellectual studies. The exam is designed in such a way to assess analytical and critical thinking skills as well as how you organize and communicate your ideas for Graduate entry medical studies or courses in Australia. Smart and wise preparation is the key to success in GAMSAT.
Build up the solid foundation for the exam – This begins before the exam. Go through the syllabus and be honest to place yourself with each section of syllabus interms of your knowledge. And set your goals and put in the reminders
Take mock test on timed conditions to get insight of your lagging areas and strong areas of knowledge. Then allocate your time to hone your skills to get a good score and then dedicate time to your weakness areas of the syllabus.
Plan wisely, if you need a tutor, get one.
Time is money. If you feel you need a tutor hire one. It is rather a good idea to pay tuition fee and get ready for the exams than paying GAMSAT retake exams fees. And your precious time is also lost in preparation-exam giving process.
Be prepared to wait
On the exam day, reach early to the venue and be prepared to wait.
don’t get eliminated before attempting the exams by being late. Don’t forget to fill in / print the admission slip. If you don’t understand the simple instructions ask and clarify. Maintain the cool state of mind before actually taking the exam.
When you finally have your exam Infront of you, skim and pick out the questions which demands more time with less score and exclude them. Focus on the best and answer first. Then come back to the excluded questions to answer at the end.
Learn to focus.
Test your attention span. it is common to experience mind wanders during the exams and get distracted. When you practice some of the mock tests in coffee shops or public areas, you can train your mind to stay tuned unstruck to the exams in spite of many distractions.